After a devastating crash in Bormio, Cyprien Sarrazin faces a challenging road to recovery. With head injuries impacting his daily...
Cyprien Sarrazin
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French skier Cyprien Sarrazin is making encouraging progress after his severe crash during training on Bormio's Stelvio course. Following emergency...
The Stelvio slope in Bormio is set to host the toughest men’s Olympic downhill in 30 years during the 2026...
French skier Cyprien Sarrazin is awake and in stable condition following surgery on a head injury sustained during a crash...
French World Cup skier Cyprien Sarrazin suffered a severe head injury during a dramatic crash on the Stelvio downhill course...
The Bormio Stelvio's Carcentina and San Pietro Jump demand precision, power, and endurance. Last year, Canada’s Cameron Alexander earned a...
High Stakes at Birds of Prey Downhill The Stifel Birds of Prey Downhill unfolded under brilliant blue skies in Beaver...