American Downhiller Podcast: Men’s Olympic downhill

SR Staff Report
The boys woke up early today after watching the Beijing Olympic Men’s Downhill race to break it down. From the training run controversy, to the awesomeness of the course, to how the American Downhillers skied — all agree it was an amazing course and race and they were riveted to the very end.
In this episode, Lew, AJ, Daron and Marco share their favorite Olympic memories. They collectively competed in 13 Olympic games, ranging from the Sarajevo in 1984, where Bill Johnson shocked the world, to 2014 when Bode gave us yet another thrilling race.
They next discuss the controversy of cancelling the third training run as well as how the one-day delay may have affected the racers. Each had similar experiences with delays at the Olympics, including a seven-day delay in Sarajevo and an eight-day delay in Nagano because of so much snow.
They all had praise for the new Olympic downhill course which had everything you wanted in a course that will decide who walks away with a medal and who goes home empty handed. The terrain tested every racer and created a challenging puzzle to figure out after only two training runs. The blind knolls demanded confidence in your inspection and technical prowess. The speed increased everything including the forces and fear. But, will this spectacular course ever be run again?
How was Feuz able to win by the slimmest of margins, just a tenth of a second over the 41-year-old vet from France? The boys break it down as well as share their thoughts on RCS, “iced” Bryce” and Travis. None were disappointed with the effort displayed by the American Downhillers.
Finally, as we look forward to the super G, they all give their picks on who will win gold, silver and bronze. You don’t want to miss this podcast, you can share your picks with the boys at [email protected]. You can also include a question for them to answer on the next podcast.
Listen on Apple or Spotify or watch below on Ski Racing Media.
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