Olympic Skier Flies Through The Air On Electric Powered Rope Swing
Ian Greenwood
Olympic freestyle skier Colby Stevenson tried out a mind-boggling stunt earlier this month: riding a surfboard into an electric-powered rope swing.
I know what you’re thinking. None of those words — “surfboard,” “electric,” “rope swing” — make much sense when you line them up in a neat row.
So, instead of trying to depict what I’m talking about, I’m going to direct toward Colby’s Instagram upload that captured the shenanigans.
This stunt lies somewhere in the middle of “tons of fun” and “terrible idea.” But I suppose that’s what action sports are all about, so why not crank the dial up a bit?
My issue with rope swings is that I always worry about my hand or foot getting tangled before I let go. The thought of getting terrible rope burns while hanging precipitously over a body of water doesn’t sit right with me.
Alas, I’m not a pro skier, nor am I a stuntman, so I don’t imagine I’ll be in a future situation involving surfboards and electric rope swings.
The clip you just watched comes from a longer video produced by the Sickos, a crew of adrenaline junkies whose antics are “Jack*ss” crossed with the inventions of a Monster Energy-drinking mad scientist.
See the full video below.
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