January 25, 2025

Fast Skiing

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2023 Congress Notes – Day 3

2023 Congress Notes – Day 3






There were reports from a number of different groups including each region and Masters.


There was a proposal to establish a $5 universal entry fee for entry level non-scored USSS races, with day-of registration available, and including USSS membership as part of the fee, while waiving sanction fees for the ROC, This may require modifying the rules for certified officials, and would attract participants and capture participant information to facilitate further participation. Currently, for a kid to enter a race it requires a minimum of $100 license or a short-term daily $35 membership plus an entry fee of $20-$35 per day. This proposal was tabled pending more research by the entry fees task force.


There was a proposal that the published race entry fees be separate from competitor lift ticket costs for non-passholders. There was a significant amount of discussion on this, and it was ultimately passed 11-3. Ultimately its not clear that this changes anything directly with the fees, just that there would be some transparency and a difference in how the information is published.


There was discussion about a proposal coming to the ASC which is resulting from a USOPC audit to reduce the size of the Alpine Sport Committee. The notable proposed changes are:

  1. Utilize regional subcommittee chair as the representative of the regions, thereby reducing the number of regional reps from 6 to 1.
  2. Include the possibility of industry or resort representation through At-Large representatives
  3. Remove the verbiage describing an Executive Committee, since the proposed new committee would have the same makeup



There was a proposal from Technical Subcommittee to impose adders on two races that were flagged as exceptional. A women’s GS had 75% of the field improve their points by about 50, and a men’s SL had similar, though slightly lesser, metrics. This was approved unanimously and both events will have adders of about 30 imposed to the penalty, bringing the average point improvement to approximately 30. Still a good score. It was for a women’s GS at Sugarbush, and a men’s SL at Gunstock.


The Technical Subcommittee brought their proposal to allow TRS seeding at scored events, with the new minimum start intervals discussed previously. There was a proposal to split the proposal into two pieces: one to approve the use of TRS for scored races, and one to assess the minimum start intervals. After significant discussion and clarification, the TRS method was approved for scored racing, and the increased start intervals were not approved. THEN there was discussion about adding some education around start intervals and good communication with coaches at the start so that ROC’s, Juries, coaches, and athletes are aware of the fact that there can be conflicts on course if the start interval isn’t a good match for the different abilities on course.


FIS Subcommittee reported on a handful of topics covered above, plus some information about airbag systems and their use in ski races.


The Regional Subcommittee brought a proposal for a recommendation that lift+entry not exceed $75/day and that lodging not exceed $75/bed/night for all championship events (regional and national). The ASC passed this unanimously.


They also brought a proposal that the lift ticket be documented separately from the entry fee on race announcements and through the entry process. The ASC discussed the proposal at length and it ultimately passed with two no votes.


The Regional Subcommittee reported on the pending dissolution of the USSS Online Registration platform. That service will be supplanted by skireg.com, which is part of Outside Media – a brand partner with USSS. This is kind of a shock to West and R/C, but doesn’t really have an impact on the East. There was discussion of the headtax and a possible reduction to headtax now that we don’t have to support the online registration platform, but no action was taken.


There was discussion of the restructuring of the ASC, noted above. No action was taken.


The Development Subcommittee was a bit rushed but brought forth the slate of proposals noted in their section above, and they were all approved as a slate unanimously.


Athletes Subcommittee reported and had some discussion and kudos for changes to committee structures and memberships, and national staff. 



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