Oregon Hiker Spots Baby Mountain Lion, Quickly Realizes Momma Might Be Close

Francis Xavier
This mountain lion encounter went from adorable to terrifying as a hiker realized the mountain lion cub she spotted walking across a log might be accompanied by an unseen full grown cat. Shaelyn Stevenson was hiking Brice Creek Trailhead in Oregon for the first time when she heard what sounded like a muffled scream:
“I looked up and saw the cub, the cub saw me, and screamed again in my direction. I sat there in shock for like 10 minutes when I realized it probably meant the mom was close by and knew I was there. I was wildly unprepared and had no form of self-defense on me. So I grabbed a large rock since it was better than not having anything.”
Shaelyn double-timed it back to her truck, rock in hand, and thankfully didn’t encounter momma mountain lion. Very cool, albeit unnerving wildlife encounter in the woods of Oregon.
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