Faction presents ‘Roots’ Crash Reel – all the bumps and bruises that never made the final cut

Jordan Grant-Krenz
Skiing is a tiresome sport. As we all know, you’re undoubtedly going to take some spills before you get better, and it’s easy to let those tumbles get inside your head, shake your confidence, and make you think you should go play racketball instead. But guess what? Racketball just isn’t that cool. You know what’s cool? Absolutely stomping the shit out of that trick or nailing that line even though you were scared, beaten, and bruised. And while it can be intimidating, just look to this talented collection of skiers right here. Movies like Faction’s ‘Roots’ take much more work than you see on the big screen. Even pros like these have to battle it out time and time again to make it work. So next time you bite it, don’t sweat, you’re just practicing for your crash reel.
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