February 7, 2025

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Trevor Kennison: BEING | X Games Aspen 2022

Trevor Kennison: BEING | X Games Aspen 2022


Jordan Grant-Krenz

Trevor Kennison has become a well known face in the ski community over the past few years. Launching into Corbet’s Couloir, filming with Level 1, sliding rails, tossing backflips, skiing in Japan, and the list goes on. He’s been taking the sport of sit skiing to realms that people hardly knew were possible. This isn’t to say that there aren’t others pushing the sport. Josh Dueck, for example, has become world famous for his accomplishments on the sit ski in the Paralympics and beyond. Josh was the first person in the sport to ever throw a backflip back in 2012, and continues to make sit skiing more accessible and public. Jay Rawe is another big name, as he has landed the sports first cork 5 and cork 7, as well as shooting with MSP for their latest film, The Stomping Grounds. But today, it would be hard to argue that anyone other than Trevor is the face of sit skiing. For obvious reasons, he is getting some well deserved recognition.

As you may have already seen, Trevor is now the first sit skier to ever hit the X Games Big Air jump. For the record, that behemoth of a booter clocks in at 70 feet from lip to knuckle. You certainly don’t just wake up that day and decide that’s an endeavor you immediately want to take on. It takes years of training and practice before something of that magnitude is attainable. If you were curious how he got to where he is now, his recent spotlight in the X Games ‘BEING’ series will fill in the gaps for you. Somebody with the will power and determination of Trevor is not born over night. While an event like Trevors snowboarding accident 7 years prior would take most people decades to work past, he has made the absolute most of the situation in a relatively short amount of time. While I’m sure he isn’t anywhere close to being finished, what he’s already accomplished would be an incredible resume for any individual to achieve in a full lifetime.

If you’ve watched Level 1’s short film on Trevor, titled ‘Day 1’, (which also happens to be a teaser for the full documentary Josh Berman and the crew are releasing fall of 2022), you’ll quickly notice that the man is contagiously happy. Even after taking a mean spill attempting a signature backflip, you can find him spitting out snow and laughing, propping himself back up and heading to the top for another go. It seems that Trevor sets out to not only pursue his goals, but to do so with an appreciation of the moment he is living. Whether he’s greasing rails with determination at Copper, or being interviewed for his X Games debut, you’ll find his smile permeating those around him, inspiring them to live as joyfully as he does.

FREESKIER had the chance to sit down with Trevor last year. Click here for the full QnA.


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