Depth of Field – Jay Goodrich

Jay Goodrich
I am often asked, “What’s your favorite photo that you have ever taken?” My canned response has become, “The photo that I just took.”
But ask me to pull out my best 5 of all time? Is this some sort of twisted joke? Do you want to put me in an insane asylum? I can’t just give you my five best and I definitely cannot give you a canned, “The last five I have taken”, response. No, this is going to take some thought. Thought requires alcohol and no, I am not talking about beer in this case. Beer is what the heathens drink, I am talking about liquor. High-end, expensive liquor—preferably bourbon or tequila. And it needs to be sipped, straight, no training wheels, like ice, salt or limes, again, heathens.
It’s funny, when asked to pick my top 5 ski shots, I didn’t think about my photos at first; I thought about all of the other photographers who have graced the pages of this magazine. Shit, they are featured right here too, go click that “Photos” link in the top menu bar. Hell, the Director of Photography (Mr. Reddick) is an amazing photographer. Go figure, that’s why Powder has graced my bathroom for 36 years. Wait, I’m sorry, the library. Imagine ‘library’ being pronounced with a British accent as well.
I hope that got at least a chuckle. Skiing is the definition of laughter. It is the BEST and funnest, most fun, ahh whatever, sport ever! Skiing and Powder have opened the doors to the world for me. Given an introvert a reason to shoot the shit with not only some of the world’s most amazing photographers, but skiers as well. This magazine has helped me define my vision and allowed me to create and be creative.
I remember the first assignment Dave Reddick gave me. It was for sister publication Bike, but the words he spoke on the phone to me still rattle around in my shrinking brain. “Shoot everything that catches your eye, it’s not about the action, it’s about the story.” I still try to do that with every project today. The forthcoming 5 images, all have very personal stories associated with them. It is these stories that make them my top 5. — Jay Goodrich
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