Woman Rescued From Washington State Backcountry After Tree Collision

Francis Xavier
“She was in a very difficult location for folks to get to. They had to snowshoe about a half mile to get to her. They couldn’t get snowmobiles up to her location, so they had to trek in and pack her out.” –Chelan County Chief Deputy Adam Musgrove
A 23-year-old skier sustained serious injuries after crashing into a tree during harsh weather conditions in the remote backcountry outside of Lake Wenatchee, Washington.
KPQ reports woman was staying at the Alpine Lakes High Camp east of Stevens Pass and was skiing in the Coulter Creek area when she hit the tree on a 40° slope. The woman was able to call for help on a cell phone but first responders had a difficult time getting to her.
It took crews 5.5 hours to get the woman into to an ambulance after receiving her call at about 3 pm Sunday. The woman has not been identified, but deputies says she is from out of state.
Hats off to the all the first responders involved in this difficult rescue operation including Cascade Ambulance, Lake Wenatchee Fire & Rescue, Chelan County Search and Rescue, Chelan County Mountain Rescue and employees from Scottish Lakes High Camp.
Cascade Ambulance Paramedics & Emergency Medical Technicians Statement:
This evening crews from Cascade Ambulance, Lake Wenatchee Fire & Rescue, Chelan County Search and Rescue, Chelan County Mountain Rescue and with assistance from Scottish Lakes High Camp employees conducted a difficult rescue of a injured backcountry skier. The second rescue of this type within a week has again proven how multiple agencies can work together to save a life during challenging conditions. Thank you to all who came to help, we cannot do it alone.

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