‘Undiscovered’ – Eaglecrest Ski Area remains true to its wild Alaskan roots

Jordan Grant-Krenz
The exponential growth that we’ve all witnessed ski areas undertake in recent years comes with many benefits; namely easier access for more people. It’s helped create a relatively more inclusive world of skiing, but not in ever case. With this rapid expansion can come a drastic rise in the cost of living, including food, housing, and just about every other necessity. If not combatted properly, we will surely see an even greater blow dealt to those living in the mountains who don’t have bottomless dough. While solutions to this crisis are being discussed and implemented more and more often, there still remain a few gems that have remained immune to this bottleneck effect. These often isolated communities haven’t had to worry too much about putting solutions to these problems into action, because the problems have yet to manifest themselves in the first place. To put it simply, the crowds have yet to latch on. Alaska’s Eaglecrest Ski Area is one such place.
Yes, writing and positing a video about this remote unicorn of a resort does seem to defeat its unicornness, so to speak. However, considering Eaglecrest’s location, it’s safe to say that a little public recognition won’t burn all its magic away. The resort sits comfortably outside of the city of Juneau, a city with a population of 33,000 that is only accessible by air or boat. No easy i-70 driving to get there. But it’s this extra layer of difficulty that makes Eaglecrest so sought after. They received a bountiful 515″ during the 20/21 season, and this is not uncommon. While their proximity to the water leads to so some heavier fluff, it can make for a fantastic, seemingly bottomless base, and deep days that are comparable to few. If you’re looking for flashy lights, expensive stays, and crowds of people, this probably isn’t the spot for you. But if you want untouched runs, unparalleled backcountry access, and a community that is as dedicated to skiing as you are, Eaglecrest should probably be on your bucket list.
A place like this can be hard to describe. Thankfully, ‘Undiscovered’ lends an eye opening view onto the ins and outs of this vibrant Juneau community. Join pro skiers Sophia Rouches and Delilah Cupp, along with locals Mark Landvik and Mark Rainery, as they shed light on why places like Eaglecrest are so vital to the community of skiing.
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