Monday Mix – August 23, 2021

It was a banger of a week out there in internetworld, with the good, the bad, and the gnarly all coming down the content pipeline fast and furious for the last seven days. As always, there was way too much tasty stuff for you to digest all at once, but us here at Monday Mix HQ will do our best here to narrow it down once again this week.
First up this week is one you have no-doubt already seen and no-doubt already love*, as the inimiatble Rene Rennekangas blew up everybody’s spot with this corked bs 450 boardslide 270 out. Make sure to check the comments to see every single one of your favourite snowboarders losing their minds over this one…
*if you HAVEN’T seen this, please let us know which rock you’ve been living under so we can knock on your door next time something cool goes down.
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